Sunday, December 16, 2007

A metaphor with an i

It's snowing. It's snowing and it's windy.
That's windy with an i---- if it were a windy with an e I'd be having a square hamburger right now. Always fresh, never frozen.

The snow some how finds a way to drift up my pant leg , down my sock and it seems to be the only thing I have up my sleeve. No magic there, just snow. Snow powered by wind.
It's the wind.
There is nothing good about wind. I don't own a sail boat. Nor am I'm trying to power my home with wind. My last kite is buried deep in the woods beyond my house. So the wind, the wind, is just a parasite today.
The wind just blows stuff over and it just pushes the snow around and in the way. It's not the snow that I'm afraid of it's the wind. If it were a mobster I'd call it Tony or Sal.

I hope the wind doesn't take me out.

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